Section 2: Production Details

Who wrote the episodes?
Different people wrote different episodes as was common in series of that time,
Common Writers were:

Ray Clemens?!?
Yep, the same one of Avengers,New Avengers and Bugs fame (or infamy).

And Directors?
Pretty much the same as writers
Common directors were:

So Ralph Smart did both ?
Yes, he was one of the few creators of an adventure series who remained with the show throughout it's life span and kept an active part at that.

Why did the show finish
Well, by 1965 Patrick McGoohan was the most highly paid actor on British television. But.. there are now two versions of the story:

  1. Patrick McGoohan felt that the show was "running out of steam" and that they should finish while they were ahead.
  2. McGoohan was so smitten with a new idea for a television programme set in the village of Portmerion in North Wales that he was going to put the entire Danger Man cast and crew to it.
Anyway the result was a meeting between McGoohan and Lew Grade and whatever the discussion entailed, it finished with the 4th season of Danger Man being cancelled after only two shows and a new show called The Prisoner was comissioned.

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