Ancient History - References

  1. The Search for Atlantis at Scientific Speculation Prediction and Investigation.
    Not what I'd call scientific but it references interesting ancient writings.
  2. Graham Hancock: Fingerprints of the Gods
    Web site
    Paperback: Mandarin ISBN 0 7493 1454 0
  3. The Orion Mystery
  4. Robert Bauval & Graham Hancock: Keeper of Genesis
    Paperback: Mandarin ISBN 0 7493 2196 2
    (aka The Message of the Sphinx?)
  5. Peter James: The Atlantis Mystery Solved
    Hardback: Jonathan Cape
    Paperback: Pimlico ISBN 0-224-03810-9
  6. Robert Bauval & Adrian Gilbert: The Orion Mystery
    Paperback: Mandarin 1994 ISBN 0-7493-1744-2
  7. TV documentary, 1997
  8. David Rohl: Pharaohs & Kings
    3-part documentary on Channel 4 1996 (repeated in 1997)
    Web site
    Book: A Test of Time (aka Pharaohs & Kings) Random House (USA) ISBN 0-517-70315-7
  9. Adrian Gilbert and Maurice Cotterell: The Mayan Phophecies
    Web site
    Element Books ISBN 1 85230 692 0
  10. Aeon - a Journal of Myth & Science
  11. The Noise Room - Archaeo-Astronomy and Egyptology Page
  12. Graham Hancock
  13. Mysteries in Antiquity - archaeo-astronomy, ancient anomalies & messages from the past
  14. A Letter from Egypt by John Anthony West, in Atlantis Rising
  15. Heaven's Mirror by Graham Hancock & Santha Faiia
    (Michael Joseph, 1998; Penguin, 1999)
  16. Quest for the Lost Civilization by Graham Hancock
    C4 3-part TV series, Sep-Oct 1998
  17. 1421, the Year China Discovered the World by Gavin Menzies (not 'ancient' but relevant!)
    Web site
    TV series due in 2003/2004

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