Cambridge: Past, Present & Future

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August 2005

Added Waffles Cafe - pictures by Jón Fairbairn

January 2004

Caught up with some of the recent Major Development Schemes in the 2000s.

September 2001

Added an item on the latest bizarre advice to cyclists from the County Council and the Cambs. County Council's award of Transport Local Authority of the Year.

January - March 2001

Updated Major Developments.

September 2000

Updated Park-and-Ride and The Cambridge Phenomenon.

April 2000

Updated the Millennium, Peter Dawe/Cambridge Red, Major Developments, Microsoft, and Waffles pages.

December 1999

Added: Heffers Stationers (a modest tribute), "We're fuelled by coffee, pizza and sleepless nights - it's just like Silicon Valley'", Major Development Schemes in the 2000s. Updated the Millennium page.

November 1999

Updated the Millennium and Police pages.

September 1999

Minor updates (mostly to add pictures) of: Centre-Traffic, Kite - Early, Kite, Microsoft, Public Health, Sainsburys, Squabbles, The Whim.

August 1999

Minor updates (including some pictures) to various pages, e.g. Anglo-Saxon Cambridge, 12th Century, 13th Century, 14th Century, CU Origin, CU Privileges, "Hills", Jordan's Yard, Public Health, Town-Gown Troubles, Bridge Street closure.
Added a link to the Biotechnology Clusters report.

July 1999

Added a link to Does Bus-Based Park and Ride Assist the Integration of Local Transport? - a fascinating study of P&R's effectiveness.
Added a note on supposed hi-hech Backstabbing.
Thanks to Martin Hodge for Potters pictures.

Easter 1999

Many minor updates (e.g. "Hills", Lion Yard, Major Developments in the 1990s, Microsoft )

Wednesday 10 February 1999

Thanks to Martin Hodge for supplying details such as the menu for Potters. Many minor updates have been made in between times, e.g. Microsoft, Cambridge II.

Saturday 14 November 1998

Updated the 1997 Cambridge Phenomenon.

Sunday 27 September 1998

Updated the Hobson's Conduit and Waffles Cafe pages.

Sunday 17 May 1998

Updated the Index of Articles.

Monday 4 May 1998

Caught up with recent news and in particular Major Development Schemes in the 1990s and Cambridge II and related projects.

Tuesday 7th April 1998

Updated The Cambridge Phenomenon for the Mark II Report.

Sunday 1st February 1998

Updated Microsoft for Roger Needham's talk.

Monday 11th August 1997

Major update - most history pages updated.
(Commons & Public Spaces - The Origin of Cambridge University - Cambridge University & Town Administration - The King's Ditch - Lion Yard & Petty Cury - The Market Square - Public Health and Utilities - Railways - Religious and Hospital Foundations - Theatres & Cinemas)

Saturday 21st December 1996

Added a page about Hobson's Conduit and a Millennium page.

Sunday 18th August

The planning background of the Lion Yard and The Kite developments. Added a list of public Internet points to the Cambridge Online Community Projects page. Minor additions to many other pages.

Wednesday 14th August 1996

History pages launched.

Cambridge : History : Reference : Index of Articles